2024. April 25., Thursday

Recent publications of the members of the Szeged IP Center

Members of the Szeged Ip Center have constantly published several books and other publications in the preceeding years. Click on the arrow to see these materials.

9781316645116Copyright Exhaustion - Law and Policy in the United States and the European Union (2018)

by Péter Mezei

In this timely book, copyright scholar Péter Mezei offers a comprehensive examination of copyright exhaustion, including its historical development, theoretical framework, practical application, and policy considerations. He compares the substantive norms and case law for the first-sale doctrine in the United States and in the European Union, covering both analogue and digital applications in detail, and in doing so questions the common rejection of exhaustion in the resale of digital subject matter such as computer programs, sound recordings, audiovisual works, and e-books. Instead, he proposes a digital first-sale doctrine that would offer legal consistency to copyright law and a technologically feasible framework for content producers and consumers. This book should be read by anyone interested in how copyright law continues to evolve in conjunction with the digital world. You might access the book on the publisher's website.

jogkimExhaustion in copyright law (Jogkimerülés a szerzői jogban, 2016)

by Péter Mezei

The book introduces the conceptual background of the doctrine of exhaustion. Policy considerations, the definition, and the international framework of and limits to the doctrine are discussed. It further provides an analysis of the historical development of exhaustion (including case law and legislation) in the United States and the European Economic Communities (currently European Union). Those social, technological and (global) trade challenges are also introduced that rightholders, users, legislators and courts in the US and EEC/EU have faced since the emergence of the concept of exhaustion. The book also aims to embrace the view that the doctrine shall be further applied in the digital realm, that is, to allow for the resale of digital contents (software, sound recordings, audio books etc.). Such proposal will be supported by social, technological and economic reasons. Finally, the book provides a comparative discussion of the doctrine and sheds light on the partially different treatment of exhaustion in the legal systems of the US and the EEC/EU. You might download the Hungarian language book via the publisher's website.

Media_law_2011Media law 2011 - Studies from the field of media law (Médiajog 2011 - Tanulmányok a médiajog köréből, 2011)

Edited by Homoki-Nagy Mária

Thoughts on freedom of press have been an important issue of mankind since the invention of printing press. This is massively related to the freedom of expression, which became even more important in the civil transitions of the 19th century. How is it possible to regulate commercial relations via media? How does the printed and electronic press influence our children's future? What dangers are hidden in the internet? What instruments does civil law have to protect both the reader and the author from injustices? Is it possible to create a unitary responsibility system for the whole – both printed and electronic – press? The authors seek to answer those questions. You might purchase the book at the publisher's website.

The_file-sharing_dilemma_2012The file-sharing dilemma - Proceedings are slow, internet is fast (A fájlcsere dilemma - A perek lassúak, az internet gyors, 2012)

by Péter Mezei

Due to the rapid improvement of technology and the growth of consumer needs copyright law has to face new challenges every now and then. As a result of the spread of the internet and other digital technologies file-sharing generates tensions not experienced before. Sharing the copyright protected materials has become a daily routine for the majority of society and the source of theoretical and practical debates. File-sharing influenced the frame of mind of internet users endangering the fate of copyright protected material. This field of law is, however, beneficial for the whole society. The file-sharing dilemma changed the proportions though, and became a tool of a grim battle. Is this conflict resolvable and if yes how? This volume traverses the technological, historical, social, cultural and most of all legal aspects of file-sharing falling back on abundant literary and practical sources. And the conclusion cannot be else that everybody has to change his or her attitude. You might purchase the book at the publisher's website.

Rules_of_commercial_communication_in_media_law_2012Rules of commercial communication in media law (A kereskedelmi kommunikáció szabályozása a médiajogban, 2012)

by Gellén Klára

The sources of media law enacted in 2010 put the regulations of commercial advertisements issued in media services and products of journalism on a flexible, liberalized basis which adapt to the changes of informational and communicational technology. The new legal environment gave a green light to a communication form, which is quite popular in the United States, namely the product placement, eased the regulatory burden on supports and advertisements, and also widened the possibilities in advertising by the application of new ways of issuing commercial ads (virtual, split-screen ads). Issuing commercial advertisements via mass communication devices is one of the most complicated issues, which can be approached from multiple points of view, and which is framed by very different business interests. The author shows and analyzes the formal and material boundaries of commercial ads – which are placed in the crossroad of media and commercial law – with regards to the model of rules of the European Union and the Hungarian legal practice. This book is recommended scholars and practitioners engaged in this area and also to actors of the media market. You might purchase the book at the publisher's website.

Basics_of_the_protection_of_know-how_2012Basics of the protection of know-how (A know-how jog védelmének alapvető kérdései, 2012)

by Márta Görög

The R & D related "fortune of knowledge" – which consists of business, organizational, technological knowledge, solutions and their transition – plays a more and more important role in everyday life and also in legal practice. In this book the author – uniquely in the Hungarian literature – makes the definition and legal protection of know-how transparent. It shows the different know-how definitions, makes attempt to make those definitions more precise, and sheds light on the specific methods of protection by private law. You might purchase the book at the publisher's website.

Autoren_Verleger_Piraten_2012Autoren, Verleger, Piraten. Die Entwicklung des Schutzes von geistigen Produkte in Europa (Szerzők, Kiadók, Kalózok - A szellemi alkotások védelmében kialakulása Európában, 2012)
Eva Jakab
Das Verhältnis zwischen dem Autor und seinem geistigen Produkt gehört zu den reizendsten Themen der Privatrechtsgeschichte. Im vorliegenden Band werden die zwei unterschiedlichsten Modelle der europäischen Rechtsentwicklung untersucht und vergleicht: Die Englische und die Deutsche Rechtskultur. Beide haben ein in sich konsequentes und gut funktionierendes Modell des Schutzes des geistigen Eigentums herausgebildet. Das Buch schlidert die Entwicklung der Rechtsinstitute seit der Einführung und Verbreitung des Buchdruckes bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Die Rechtsinstitute werden als Bestandteile der geistigen Strömungen ihrer Epoche (Philosophie, Politik, Kodifikationsgeschichte und Privatrechtsdogmatik) dargestellt. You might purchase the book from the publisher's website.
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