2024. September 9., Monday

Health Issues

Private Health Insurance (Generali STUDIUM)


Designated health care service provider: Uni-Med Szeged Kft

Web: www.uni-med.hu
Email: studium@uni-med.hu
Call Center: +36 70 439 21 88
What do you do if you get sick - Patient Information


Documents in English:


For further information, visit this website.


Governmental Health Insurance (TAJ card)

Read more about the card and how to request it.

Governmental Health Insurance (TAJ card)

Read more about the card and how to request it.

Students with a Hungarian governmental scholarship are entitled to enjoy health care services in accordance with Act 53/1997 - (point i) of section (1) of paragraph 16 - and they are entitled to have a social security card ("TAJ card"). With TAJ card (the card for Hungary’s national health insurance scheme), scholarship holders are publicly ensured and they are able to access public healthcare for free, not just emergency or urgent care.


How to apply for TAJ card?

Scholarship holders need to formally request the public health insurance card (TAJ card) at the Office for Full-time Study Programmes (Rector’s Office – 6720 Szeged, Dugonics tér 13., room 45.)


What to do if the TAJ card expires?

If the TAJ card expires, scholarship holders need to return the old TAJ card to the Office and they need to apply for a new TAJ card - if they are still eligible for a TAJ card. Please request a new TAJ card at the Office for Full-time Study Programmes (Rector’s Office – 6720 Szeged, Dugonics tér 13. room 45) It is free of charge to request a new TAJ card.


What to do if the TAJ card is lost or damaged?

If the TAJ card is lost or damaged, scholarship holders need to request a new TAJ card - if they are still eligible for a TAJ card. In case of a lost or stolen TAJ card the administrative service fee to request a new card is 3,000 HUF.


Step-by-step guide to request your TAJ card

Download the step-by-step guide to request your TAJ card.


Step 1: Required documents:

Make sure to hand in the copy of the following documents:

  • Pages of your passport that include your personal data
  • Both sides of your residence permit
  • Both sides of your Accommodation Reporting Form for third country nationals
  • Student Status Certificate („Jogviszony igazolás” - issued not more than 30 days prior to your application) from the Admission Office of the Faculty (Tanulmányi Osztály) or at HSZI in TIK.

Step 2: Submit your request

To start the process, you need to submit the requested documents. The Stipendium Hungaricum coordinators will fill out the application forms and ammend them with a scholarship certificate in Hungarian.



NOTE! Only those attachments are accepted that are clearly visible. If correction is necessary, you will be informed right away or via e-mail. We will only be able to forward your application to the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary (OEP) if all documents are correct and valid.


Step 3: Submit the required documents at the Government Office

You are asked to submit the copies of the required documents, as well as the application forms in person at the Government Office ("Csongrád Megyei Kormányhivatal")


Address: 6722 Szeged, Rákóczi tér 1.


Office hours:

Monday: 7:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 8:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 8:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 8:00 - 18:00
Friday: 8:00 - 12:00


Step 4: Pick up your TAJ card

You will be informed when the TAJ card is issued and you are asked to take it in person in the Office for Full-time Study Programmes in the Rector’s Office.


NOTE! The health insurance card can only be used with a valid passport; therefore, it is particularly important that the insured should carry both the health insurance card and his/her passport at all times.


Download a full instruction ppt


What to Do in Case of a Health Problem

Necessary steps and contact details. Please, always keep your Hungarian health insurance card (’TAJ kártya’) with you.

If you seek medical attention and need help, please contact your local, Hungarian-speaking mentor who can help you with finding a doctor. Before you ask for a treatment, please always ask whether your insurence covers the service by showing your TAJ card (otherwise a meeting with the doctor might have some costs.) If necessary your GP (at your student hostel, or the one designated to the area you live) may redirect you to a specialist for special treatment. Prescribed medicines can be bought at any pharmacies with the prescription from the doctor.


In case of emergency, do not hesitate to visit a medical emergency service ("ügyelet”). In urgent cases, you will receive the medical treatment. It is suggested to keep your passport, residence permit, a copy of student status certificate and a copy of the accommodation reporting form with you.


With dental issues first go to the Dental Clinic („Fogklinika” / Faculty of Dentistry, Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 64 – 66.) with your Hungarian mentor and find out which dental district you belong to, then visit your designated dentist. Basic treatments are for free with your TAJ card, but more complex dental treatments are to be paid by the patient.


More about health care in Hungary:

Official website "Study in Hungary"
Official website of the National Health Insurance Fund


See the contact details of the Departments of Albert Szent-Györgyi Clinical Centre.



Book an appointment via e-mail to the University’s Health Center.

The Albert Szent-Györgyi Health Center informs all patients starting from October 2017, that it is possible to make an appointment via e-mail to the following departments:

  • Internal medicine – Diabetology (diabetes)
  • Internal medicine – Endocrinology (problems involving hormones)
  • Otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat)
  • Neurology (conditions of the nervous system)
  • Orthopedics (deals with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system (muscles and bones))
  • Rheumatology (rheumatic problems involving joints, soft tissues, etc.)
  • Surgery
  • Ophthalmology (eye-related problems)

E-mail address: bejelentkezes.betegiranyitas.szakrend@med.u-szeged.hu


After your e-mail you will receive confirmation within 24 hours, while in case of modification of an appointment, you will be contacted via telephone.



Emergency Contacts

If you are in an emergency situation call one of these numbers:

General emergency number: 112

Ambulance and emergency medical services: 104

Police: 107

Fire Department, rescue services, civil protection: 105

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