2024. September 16., Monday


Faculty Committees

Updated: 19 October 2023

1. Scientific Committee

From 19 October 2023 to 31 August 2026.

Chair: Prof. Dr. Krisztina KARSAI Professor, Head of Institute
Secretary by virtue of office: Prof. Dr. Tamás ANTAL Vice Dean for Academic and General Affairs, Professor, Head of Department
Members by virtue of office: Prof. Dr. László BLUTMAN Head of the Doctoral School of Law and Political Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Mária HOMOKI-NAGY President of the Scientific Students’ Council, Professor, Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Márta GÖRÖG Dean, Professor, Head of Institute
Elected members: Prof. Dr. Attila BADÓ Professor, Head of Institute

Prof. Dr. Elemér BALOGH Professor
When discussing student mobility cases, one full-time student delegated by the Student Union of the Faculty. András Zsolt VARGA Student

2. Academic Committee

From 19 October 2023 to 31 August 2026.

Chair by virtue of office: Dr. habil. Norbert MERKOVITY Vice Dean for Education, Associate Professor
Secretary by virtue of office: Dr. Judit SIKET Senior Lecturer
Member by virtue of office: Andrea LAKATOS Head of the Student Office
Student members: Ákos EPINGER President of the Student Union of the Faculty, Student

Márk Tamás MAJOR Student

3. Education, Credit Transfer, Postgraduate Education Committee

From 19 October 2023 to 31 August 2026.

Chair: Prof. Dr. Zsolt SZOMORA Dean’s Representative for Academic Counselling, Professor
Secretary: Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna JUHÁSZ Professor
Members by virtue of office: Dr. habil. Norbert MERKOVITY Vice Dean for Education, Associate Professor

Andrea LAKATOS Head of the Student Office
Elected members: Dr. Krisztina JUHÁSZ Senior Lecturer

Dr. Judit SIKET Dean’s Representative for Student Affairs, Senior Lecturer

Balázs Roland ROSSU Lecturer

4. Quality Management Committee

From 19 October 2023 to 31 August 2026.

Chair by virtue of office: Prof. Dr. Márta GÖRÖG Dean, Professor, Head of Institute
Secretary by virtue of office: Dr. Erzsébet MOLNÁR Senior Lecturer
Member by virtue of office: Prof. Dr. Tamás ANTAL Vice Dean for Academic and General Affairs, Professor, Head of Department

Dr. habil. Norbert MERKOVITY Vice Dean for Education, Associate Professor

Prof. Dr. Zsolt SZOMORA Dean’s Representative for Academic Counselling, Professor
Depending on the subject of the agenda, the President of the Student Union of the Faculty may be invited to the meeting of the Committee. If invited, his/her right to participate and vote may not be delegated to another person. Gréta FONTOS Student

5. Scientific Students' Committee

From 19 October 2023 to 31 August 2026.

Chair: Prof. Dr. Mária HOMOKI-NAGY Professor, Head of Department
Dr. Máté PÉTERVÁRI Senior Lecturer (Legal History and Roman Law)
Elected members:
Dr. Erzsébet MOLNÁR Senior Lecturer (Criminal Sciences)

Dr. Kristóf SZIVÓS
Assistant Lecturer (Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law)

Dr. Erika FARKAS-CSAMANGÓ Senior Lecturer (Labour Law and Business Law)

Dr. Tamás PONGÓ Senior Lecturer (Public Law)

Dr. Orsolya Johanna SZIEBIG Senior Lecturer (Public and Private International Law)

Dr. Zsolt NAGY Associate Professor (Legal Theory)

Orsolya SZABÓ PALÓCZ Assistant Lecturer (Political Sciences)

Dr. habil. Anikó SZALAI Associate Professor (International Relations)
Student member: Ákos EPINGER President of the Student Union of the Faculty, Student

6. National Higher Education Scholarship Committee

From 19 October 2023 to 31 August 2026.

Chairman: Dr. Krisztina RÚZS MOLNÁR Associate Professor
Secretary by virtue of office: Dr. habil. Norbert MERKOVITY Vice Dean for Education, Associate Professor
Members by virtue of office: Andrea LAKATOS Head of the Student Office

Dr. Judit SIKET Senior Lecturer
Elected members: Prof. Dr. Zsuzsanna JUHÁSZ Professor

Dr. Krisztina JUHÁSZ Senior Lecturer
Student member: Ákos EPINGER President of the Student Union of the Faculty, Student
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