2025. February 13., Thursday


V. CIPA - Contemporary Issues of Public Administration

The Public Law Institute of the University of Szeged Faculty of Law and Political Sciences kindly invites you to join in the 5th edition of CIPA on 3 February 2025, 14:00.

Join via Skype

Join via the Skype link below:



14:00 Opening

Contemporary Issues of Administration and EU Law

Moderator: Dr. habil. Erzsébet CSATLÓS (University of Szeged)

The Impact of EU law on Practising Professions - Polish Perspective

by Maria KARCZ – KACZMAREK, PhD (University of Łódź)

Europe’s Golden Doors - or the Revival of the Genuine Link Requirement?

by Imola SCHIFFNER, PhD (University of Szeged)

Artificial Intelligence System – Essence, Definition, Problems and Challenges

by Dr. habil. Krystyna NIZIOŁ (University of Szczecin)

Entering the Digital Age by EU Style? Automated Decision-Making in Hungary

by Dr. habil. Erzsébet CSATLÓS (University of Szeged)

Contemporary Issues of the Classics of Administrative Law

Moderator: Dr. Judit SIKET, PhD (University of Szeged)

The Constitutional Court of Romania and the President of Romania. Powers and Possible Controversies

by Oana ȘARAMET (Transilvania University of Brașov, Faculty of Law, Department of Law)

Lessons to be Learned for Romanian Public Authorities after 2024 Presidential Elections

by Andrea KAJCSA (George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures)

The Validation of the Criteria of Dignity for Office in the Hungarian Public Administration

by Zsófia HOLECSKA PhD Student (University of Szeged)

A Vulnerability in Legal Protection: The Case of Local Government Byelaws

by Dr. Judit SIKET, PhD (University of Szeged)


The brochure, which includes the program and the abstracts of each presentation, can be downloaded here.


Dr. habil. Erzsébet CSATLÓS (csatlos.e@juris.u-szeged.hu)

Dr. Judit SIKET, PhD (Siket.Judit@juris.u-szeged.hu)