2024. September 17., Tuesday

II. Bosphorus Seminar – Comparative Criminal Law: Workshop for German, Hungarian and Turkish Students and Young Assistants

The Istanbul University, the Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen and the University of Szeged organised a workshop in the topic of comparative criminal law for law studenst and young assistants. The event was held in Istanbul from 23rd June to 25th June 2014, and it was hosted by the dean of the host institution, Prof. Dr. Adem Sözüer.


Prof. Dr. Walter Gropp opened the seminar with his presentation. Professor Gropp spoke about the different methods of law-comparison.

The programme focused on the comparative analysis of the participants' research areas related to substantive criminal law, criminal procedure or penal executive law. The aim of the seminar was to give help for law students to develop their methodical approach in the field of comparative law, in particular in comparative criminal law based on their own researches. The Turkish criminal law (both procedural and substantive) has been renewed in the last decade according to European principles and today there is already the possibility to examine the functioning and the judicial practice of the new laws.

The seminar had two different parts. First, the participants presented the results of their research in thematic blocks. At the end of each block there was a discussion. These debates were moderated by senior jurists: Dr. Gotfried Plageman (Istanbul University); Prof. Dr. Walter Gropp, Dr. Liane Wörner (JLU Gießen); Dr. Karsai Krisztina, Dr. Szomora Zsolt (SZTE-ÁJTK).

In the second phase of the comparative analysis, the group members have attempted to find the problematic points of the analyzed regulations and draw progressive legal conclusions with the use of comparative methodology. The result of the joint work were presented in the second part of the seminar. The workshop was closed by Prof. Dr. Walter Gropp.

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